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Journal of Korean Academy of Fundamentals of Nursing 2010;17(3): 351
응급실 간호사의 결핵감염관리에 대한 인식과 수행
김수정1, 강지연2
1동아대학교의료원 응급실
2동아대학교 간호학과
Emergency Nurses' Perception and Performance of Tuberculosis Infection Control Measures
Soo-Jung Kim1, Ji-Yeon Kang2
1Emergency Center, Dong-A University Medical Center
2Department of Nursing, Dong-A University
Purpose: The purpose of this study was to investigate the perception and performance of tuberculosis infection control measures among emergency department nurses.
Methods: A structured questionnaire was administered to a convenience sample of 227 emergency department nurses from 20 hospitals in B City.
Results: The mean perception score was 4.52 out of a possible 5, and the mean performance score was 3.31 out of a possible 5. There were big differences between the perception and performance score on the items regarding wearing a gown or mask, while there were small differences on the items regarding dealing with patients' articles or medication.
Conclusion: Emergency nurses showed high perception and low performance score on the items related to facilities and regulation such as visitation restriction or patient isolation. There was a positive correlation between perception and performance score.
Conclusion: For emergency nurses, perception is higher than performance of tuberculosis infection control measures. The findings indicate the importance of providing continuing education for emergency nurse professionals seeking to update and increase their knowledge and to develop evidence-based nursing protocols on tuberculosis infection control in emergency department.
Key words: Emergency Nursing | Tuberculosis | Infection Control | Perception
주요어: 응급실간호사 | 결핵 | 감염관리 | 인식