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Journal of Korean Academy of Fundamentals of Nursing 2010;17(1): 82
간호학생에게 적용한 문제중심학습(Problem-Based Learning)의 효과
손영주1, 송영아2, 최은영3
1제주한라대학 간호과
2제주한라대학 간호과
Effects of Problem-Based Learning of Nursing Student
Young-Ju Son1, Young-A Song2, Eun-Young Choi3
1Department of Nursing, College of Cheju Halla
2Department of Nursing, College of Cheju Halla
3Chosun Nursing College
Purpose: The purpose of this study was to compare nursing students before using problem-based learning and after the experience in: class satisfaction, tendency to critical thinking, learning attitude and motivation.
Method: The data were collected on March 20 and June 5, 2008. The PBL study was given for 15 weeks from March through June involving 216 junior nursing students. To test effects of PBL, a one group pretest-posttest design was used. Statistical analysis was performed with SPSS 13.0. Paired t-test, $x^2$-test, and Pearson correlation coefficient were performed.
Results: The results are summarized as follows: Following PBL, the students scored significantly higher on the class satisfaction (t=-3.321, p= .001), tendency to critical thinking (t=-2.218, p= .034), learning attitude (t=-2.910, p= .004) and motivation (t=-4.407, p<.001). The Pearson correlation coefficients among the three variables were significantly positive.
Conclusion: This study contributes to our understanding of outcomes from the PBL approach. The students undertaking PBL showed that they developed a more positive attitude with their educational experience. Also, students' tendency to think critically improved through the use of the PBL approach.
Key words: Problem-Based Learning | Nursing Student
주요어: 문제중심학습 | 간호학생