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Journal of Korean Academy of Fundamentals of Nursing 2010;17(1): 26
요양병원과 종합병원 노인 입원환자의 섬망 유병율과 유발요인
단국대학교 간호학과
Prevalence and Precipitating Factors for Delirium in Elderly Patients Admitted to Long-Term Care Hospitals or to General Hospital
Young-Hee Yang
Department of Nursing, Dankook University
Purpose: The purpose of this study was to compare long-term hospital and general hospital for delirium prevalence and precipitating factors in elderly patients.
Method: The participants were 184 patients aged 65 or older from one general hospital and 4 long-term facilities. Delirium was assessed using the Confusion Assessment Method and precipitating factors for delirium were classified as demographic, physical condition, disease and drug factors associated with delirium found in a literature analysis.
Results: Delirium prevalence was 5.4% and there was no significant difference according to hospital type. Most of the patients with delirium were male, dependent and dehydrated and had sleep disturbances, diseases and drugs associated with delirium and, had multi-drugs prescriptions. Non-delirious patients also had two or more delirious symptoms and several precipitating factors. Delirious patients were more dependent, urinary incontinent and had sleep-disturbances compared to the non-delirious group. The participants in the long-term hospitals were found to have frequently previous delirium history.
Conclusion: Even though the prevalence rate of delirium was not high, most elderly patients, regardless of delirium, are a very high risk group and dependent ADL, sleep disturbances, and/or urinary incontinence could be used predictive factors for delirium.
Key words: Delirium | Confusion | Elderly | Long-term care | Precipitating factors
주요어: 섬망 | 급성 혼돈 | 노인 | 장기요양병원 | 유발요인