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Journal of Korean Academy of Fundamentals of Nursing 2009;16(4): 459
임상간호사의 비판적 사고
장성옥1, 신나미2, 김순용3
1고려대학교 간호대학
2고려대학교 간호대학
3고려대학교 간호대학
Critical Thinking of Clinical Nurses
Sung-Ok Chang1, Nah-Mee Shin2, Soon-Yong Khim3
1College of Nursing, Korea University
2College of Nursing, Korea University
3College of Nursing, Korea University
Introduction: Critical thinking involves identifying problem(s), assessing resources, and generating possible solutions and allows clinical nurses to decide which solution is the most reasonable under the given circumstances, taking into consideration the ""hat ifs"" and how they will affect the end result. This research was conducted to further understanding and identification of subjective factors in critical thinking in clinical nurses.
Methods: The research design was a Q-Methodological Approach. Q-population was formulated from a non-structured questionnaire and interviews from 17 experienced clinical nurses. Thirty selected Q-statements were sorted by 30 experienced clinical nurses.
Results: Four factors for critical thinking were identified: (1) Deductive reasoning based on causal relation, (2) Construction of an effective model based on patients' responses, (3) Formulating categories based on priorities for effective interventions, and (4) Judging validity of the situational significance on clinical performances.
Conclusion: Critical thinking is an attitude and reasoning process. From this study, the frame of reference for clinical nurses in formulating critical thinking within the context of clinical settings is identified and indicates the way nurses utilize thinking skills when they care for patients and areas that need further exploration as nurses and faculty develop education systems to advance clinical performance competency.
Key words: Inference | Clinical decision making
주요어: 임상간호사 | 비판적 사고