Purpose: This study was done to examine how medication contamination in a single-dose glass ampule is affected by minute glass flakes generated in different methods of cutting the ampule. Method: Sixty medication-containing glass ampules were randomly assigned to two groups. The number of glass flakes, resulting from two different cutting methods (with cotton and without cotton), were counted under the microscope. Contamination was evaluated by extracted the medication with a syringe and culturing it in E. coli, coliform, and aerobic bacteria culture media. Result: Fewer glass flakes were found in the ampules when the ampule was cut with cotton. The use of cotton, however, did not significantly change the degree of drug contamination. Conclusion: Although minute glass flakes generated in the ampule cutting operation did not significantly contaminate the medication and the use of cotton decreased the number of glass flakes in the ampules, glass flakes injected into the blood and tissues of the patient remain a risk factor. Therefore, pre-filled syringes or syringes with filters would be alternative methods and safeguards against the possible injection of glass flakes generated while cutting the ampule.