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Journal of Korean Academy of Fundamentals of Nursing 2009;16(1): 56
신규간호사의 기본간호 업무에 대한 자기효능감과 비판적 사고성향 및 간호실무능력간의 상관성 연구
을지대학병원 간호부 간호교육팀
A Correlation Study on Self-Efficacy, Disposition to Critical Thinking and Nursing Competency of New Nurses
Young-Shin Song
Team Leader of Nursing Education, Eulji University Hospital
Purpose: The purpose of this study was to identify self-efficacy, disposition to critical thinking and level of nursing competency in new nurses and to exam the correlation among these variables.
Method: The sample was composed of 286 new nurses who had worked at E hospital for 1 year. Descriptive and correlation analysis using the SPSS program were used to analyze the data.
Results: The mean score for self-efficacy was 67.10, disposition to critical thinking, 3.01 and nursing competency, 3.02. There were significant differences in scores for 3 variables between nurses with College degrees and nurses with Baccalaureate degrees. There was a significant positive correlation between disposition to critical thinking and nursing competency scores.
Conclusion: Further study of the various components that influence nursing competency is necessary. Also based on the disposition to critical thinking, there is a need to develop education programs to strengthen curiosity and other related variables. The results of this study confirmed the necessity of developing a clinical model of nursing competency ability.
Key words: Thinking | Nurse | Practice | Nursing
주요어: 신규간호사 | 비판적 사고 | 간호