노인의 통증신념 유형에 따른 통증대처 전략 영향요인 |
김근면1, 장성옥2, 이용미3 |
1극동대학교 간호학과 2고려대학교 간호대학 3고려대학교 간호대학 |
Factors Influencing Coping Strategies of Elders According to Types of Pain Belief |
Geun-Myun Kim1, Sung-Ok Chang2, Yong-Mi Lee3 |
1Dept. of Nursing, Far-East University 2College of Nursing, Korea University 3College of Nursing, Korea University |
Abstract |
Purpose: This study was done to identify factors (pain stress, perceived stress, pain disability, fatigue, depression) strategies used by elders to cope with pain based on their type of pain belief. Method: Data were collected from 314 elders in community settings in Seoul from September to December of 2007. Cluster analysis, t-test, and ANOVA were used to analyze data. Result: The types of pain belief were classified as the following groups: Self-blame, Enduring & Mysterious, and Short-term & Understandable. Perceived stress (t=2.36, p=.02), social support (t=2.24, p=.03), extent of pain relief (t=2.39, p=.02), and duration of pain relief (t=2.09, p=.04) were important factors for active and passive coping in the Self-blame group. Pain stress (t=2.39, p=.01) and depression (t=-3.99, p=.00) were significantly related to the active coping in the Enduring & Mysterious group. Perceived stress (t=2.55, p=.01) was an important factor in the passive coping in the Short-term & Understandable group. Conclusion: Considering different types of pain belief in elders and factors that are significantly related to different coping strategies, future nursing interventions should be population specific to encourage active coping strategies and to decrease passive coping strategies. |
Key words:
Elders | Pain | Belief | Coping skill |
노인 | 통증 | 통증신념 | 통증대처 |