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Journal of Korean Academy of Fundamentals of Nursing 2008;15(2): 229
미혼모의 성 인식
김천과학대학 간호과
Perceptions of Sexuality in Unmarried Mothers
Kyung-Soon Jeong
Department of Nursing, Kimcheon Science College
Purpose: A phenomenology study was conducted to provide in-depth data to help in the understanding of young women who have become unmarried mothers.
Method: In-depth interviews were done with 11 unmarried mothers from August 2002 to September 2003 Data were recorded and analyzed by Colaizzi method. Result: Significant statements consisted of 5 categories with 12 theme clusters accompanying each category. The categories were: ""Sex as a tool"" which included living and connections, ""Sex as an expression of her desire"" which included wanting and expression of love, ""Sex to be dominated"" which included significance, domination and negative aspects of sex, ""Moral sex"" which included secrecy, responsibility and connections with life, ""Sex as a sense of identity"" which included expression of gender and association with peer group.
Conclusion: The results of this study will help indicate directions for care of unmarried mother, which should be based on a deep understanding of their personal perception of sexuality. Also, it can be utilized as basic materials for development of sex educational programs to prevent repeat pregnancies in unmarried women and information on consultion with unmarried mothers.
Key words: Perception | Sexuality | Unmarried mother
주요어: 미혼모 | 성 인식
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