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Journal of Korean Academy of Fundamentals of Nursing 2008;15(2): 221
의학계열 대학생의 에이즈에 대한 지식, 태도 및 취약성 인지정도
인제대학교 간호학과
Knowledge, Attitudes and Perceived Vulnerability to AIDS of Medical and Nursing Students
Mi-Hae Sung
Department of Nursing, Inje University
Purpose: The purpose of this study Is to identify the knowledge, attitudes and perceived vulnerability to AIDS of medical and nursing students.
Method: The subject of this study were 324 medical and nursing students in Busan area. Data was analyzed by using descriptive statistics, t-test, ANOVA, Pearson correlation coefficient, and Scheffe's test. Result: Total knowledge of AIDS was average. Total attitudes of AIDS was above average. And perceived vulnerability of AIDS was above average. According to the results of analyzing the difference between general characteristics of the subject and AIDS related knowledge, attitudes and perceived vulnerability, a significant difference was present with grade in knowledge score; with sex, grade, department, and health status in attitudes score, with sex, religion, grade, department, education experience to AIDS, and health status in perceived vulnerability to AIDS, There was a significant relationship between attitudes and perceived vulnerability to AIDS.
Conclusion: The research findings show that the educational program for preventing AIDS must take into consideration knowledge and epidemic and non-epidemic aspects of AIDS and preventive attitudes toward AIDS, And, it also proves that it is necessary to devise an AIDS educational program for college students.
Key words: AIDS | Knowledge | Attitudes | Perception
주요어: 에이즈 | 지식 | 태도 | 인지
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