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Journal of Korean Academy of Fundamentals of Nursing 2008;15(2): 161
입원 암환자의 통증 실태와 통증관리 실태
김미정1, 박진아2, 신수진3
3순천향대학교 의과대학 간호학과
Pain and Pain Management in Hospitalized Cancer Patients
Mi-Jung Kim1, Jin-A Park2, Su-Jin Shin3
1Department, Ewha Womans University Mokdong Hospital
2Department, Ewha Womans University Mokdong Hospital
3Department of Nursing, Soon Chun Hyang University
Purpose: The purpose of this study was to provide basic data for proper pain management.
Method: Data were collected from 85 hospitalized patients with cancer pain. A retrospective chart review of level of pain, source of pain, verbal expression of pain, and pain management was done. The data were analyzed with the SPSS program.
Results: The level of pain measured by NRS at the three time points was as follows Time 1 ($4.40{pm}2.25$), Time 2 ($0.61{pm}1.30$), Time 3 ($2.47{pm}2.75$). The kinds of pain were somatic pain (51.8%), visceral pain (37.6%), neuropathic pain (12.9%). The analgesic amount measured by OME (oral morphine equivalent) was as follows: Time 1 ($70.85{pm}69.65$), Time 2 ($91.61{pm}89.20$), Time 3 ($96.71{pm}94.25$). Degree of pain had significant differences according to type of cancer (F=-3.286, p= .002), cancer origin (F=2.906, p= .018), and metastasis (F=2.906, p= .018) at Time 2. Best control period had significant difference according to type of cancer (F=2.373, p= .023), and origin of cancer (F=2.466, p= .040) at Time 2
Conclusion: These finding will enable the application of nursing interventions for pain control in cancer patients, identification of kinds of nursing compared to priorities, and increased levels of comfort in cancer patients in clinical settings.
Key words: Pain | Analgesics | Cancer
주요어: 암환자 | 통증 | 통증관리