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Journal of Korean Academy of Fundamentals of Nursing 2008;15(1): 80
부산지역 결혼이주여성의 건강관련 실태
박형숙1, 배경의2, 김동희3, 윤애련4
1부산대학교, 간호대학
2가야대학교, 간호학과
3부산대학교, 간호대학
4부산시 서구 보건소
Health Status of Married Immigrant Women in Busan
Hyoung-Sook Park1, Kyung-Eui Bae2, Dong-Hee Kim3, Ae-Ryeun Yoon4
1College of Nursing, Pusan National University
2Nursing Department, Kaya University
3College of Nursing, Pusan National University
4Seogu Public Health Center, Pusan
Purpose: By focusing on immigrant women's problems and considering human rights, resettlement plans and marital-life adaptation, health status is often overlooked. It was examined in this study.
Method: The participants were 110 immigrant women who lived in Busan. Data were collected from September to November 2007 using a questionnaire.
Results: One of five of the women had been hospitalized for a delivery, about 25% were pregnant, and most (80.9 %) have never had a pap-smear test. The average score for anxiety was 3.0 (${pm}2.50$) and for depression 2.9 (${pm}2.71$). Most were in the normal range for blood pressure, body mass index(BMI), blood sugar and urine test. There was a significant difference in level of anxiety according to education (F=3.42, p=.020) and in level of depression according to age (F=4.05, p=.020), number of children(t=-.444, p=.009), financial status (F=3.75, p=.027) and satisfaction with life (F=6.38, p=.002). There were significant differences in BMI according to age (F=7.73, p=.001), native nation (F=18.38, p=.000), period of stay in Korea (F=3.11, p=.049), education (F=3.82, p=.012), number of children (t=-4.26, p=.040).
Conclusion: Although the health status of the immigrant women was good, procreative care protocols should be developed to support immigrant women who are pregnant.
Key words: Immigrants | Women | Health status
주요어: 결혼이주여성 | 건강실태 | 보건양태
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