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Journal of Korean Academy of Fundamentals of Nursing 2007;14(4): 515
토론식 AIDS 교육이 대학생의 AIDS 관련 지식, 편견, 사회적 상호작용 및 예방의도에 미치는 효과
손정태1, 김현미2, 이은주3
1대구가톨릭대학교 간호학과
2대구한의대학교 간호학과
3경북대학교 간호대학
Effects of Discussion Centered AIDS Education on Knowledge, Prejudice, Social Interaction, and Intention for Prevention in College Students
Jung-Tae Song1, Hyeon-Mi Kim2, Eun-Joo Lee3
1Department of Nursing, College of Medicine, Catholic University of Daegu
2Department of Nursing, Daegu Haany University
3College of Nursing, Kyungpook National University
Purpose: The purposes of the study were to determine the effects of AIDS education which includes discussion on knowledge, prejudice, social interaction, and intention for AIDS prevention in college students.
Method: A convenience sampling method was used to collect data, and 136 university students participated in the study. One group pretest-post test design was used and questionnaire for measuring knowledge about AIDS and attitude to AIDS were administered before and after 100 minutes of AIDS education, The education program consisted of a 50-minute lecture with video aids and 50 minutes of small group discussion. Means, SD, and paired t-test with the SPSS program were used to analyze the data.
Results: There were significant increases in knowledge(p= .000) and social interaction(p= .002) after the education, but no significant changes in prejudice(p= .832) nor in intention for AIDS prevention(p= .074).
Conclusion: AIDS education including discussion was found to be an effective method for improving knowledge and social interaction of college students. The results suggest that education which includes discussion sessions should be used with college students to improve social interaction with people who are HIV positive and enhance knowledge about AIDS.
Key words: AIDS | Knowledge | Prejudice | Social interaction
주요어: 지식 | 편견 | 상호작용