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Journal of Korean Academy of Fundamentals of Nursing 2007;14(3): 351
문제중심학습 패키지 개발 및 적용의 일 예
제미순1, 최원희2
An Example of Development and Application of PBL Package
Mi-Soon Je1, Won-Hee Choi2
1Department of Nursing, Koje College
2Department of Nursing, Koje College
Purpose: The purpose of this study was to develop a Problem-Based Learning (PBL) package, test its application and evaluate students' recognition of the effectiveness of PBL in nursing colleges.
Method: Thirteen steps were used in the process developing the PBL package. After its application, the first questionnaire for self-evaluation and satisfaction with PBL class was given to 94 nursing students in December, 2005. To further evaluate the students' recognition of the effectiveness of PBL, a second questionnaire was given to 83 nursing students out of the 96 in May, 2007 after clinical practice. Data analysis was conducted using means with standard deviation.
Results: The results of students' self-evaluation showed high achievement in learning outcome and process using the PBL method. Also, they expressed satisfaction with the subject management, the lecturer and their peers after the PBL class. Students recognized that the PBL class had positive effectiveness in clinical practice and wanted more PBL classes and the inclusion of complex cases from well designed packages.
Conclusion: PBL class could be considered as an opportunity to fortify student nurses' abilities to adjust to the real clinical situation.
Key words: Problem-Based Learning
주요어: 문제중심 학습