1Transplant Coordinator, Seoul National University Hospital 2College of Nursing, Seoul National University
Purpose: This study was done to construct a quality of life (QOL) model for recipients of a liver transplant. Method: In consideration of the main factors influencing QOL in recipient of liver transplants, a hypothetical model was constructed with 16 paths. A questionnaire was used to collect data from recipients of liver transplants who were being followed at one of 3 university hospitals. For the final analysis, there were 189 completed questionnaires and the hypothetical model was verified through covariance structure using LISREL program. Results: Overall fitness indices of hypothetical model were GFI= .99, AGFI= .97, NNFI= .96 and RMR=.020. After considering modification indices and paths that proved not to be significant and to improve model fitness, the hypothetical model was modified. In the final model, 3 paths from the hypothetical model were excluded. Overall fitness indices of the final model were GFI= .99, AGFI= .98, NNFI= .98 and RMR= .020. Eleven of fifteen paths proved to be significant. QOL was influenced by duration after transplantation, perceived health status, self-esteem, uncertainty, social support, self efficacy and depression and these variables explained 65% of the variance. Conclusion: This study presents a theoretical model for QOL for recipients of a liver transplant. Based on the results of this study and to improve QOL for recipients of a liver transplant, it is suggested that interventions to re-enforce self efficacy and self-help are needed.