1Department of Nursing, Chungang University 2Department of Nursing, Semyung University 3Department of Nursing, Chungang University 4Department of Nursing, Chungang University
Purpose: The purpose of this study was to identify factors that have an influence on the pain which patients recognize when receiving an intravenous injection. Method: Participants were 111 patients who were admitting to C University Hospital. The collected data were analyzed using the SPSS 11.0 program. Results: For the participants, factors related to administration of medication were the following: Phlebitis scale, who administers the IV injection, failure to complete the IV injection, explaination of the IV injection and rate of injection. Level of pain, depression and anxiety in the participants was as follows: Pain ($4.86{pm}2.09$), depression ($35.76{pm}9.91$), anxiety ($32.34{pm}8.87$). There were positive correlations between pain and depression (r= .437, p< .000), between pain and anxiety (r= .478, p< .000), and between depression and anxiety (r= .544, p< .000). Conclusion: Such findings provide new insights into the dynamic relationships between depression, anxiety and pain which patients recognize when having an intravenous injection. Further studies should be conducted to establish the causal relation between depression, anxiety and pain and to determine appropriate nursing interventions.