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Journal of Korean Academy of Fundamentals of Nursing 2006;13(2): 304
대학생의 성인애착유형 및 부모양육방식에 따른 분노
박영주1, 박은숙2, 장성옥3, 최명숙4, 송준아5, 문소현6
1고려대학교 간호대학
2고려대학교 간호대학
3고려대학교 간호대학
4고려대학교 간호대학
5서일대학 간호과
6고려대학교 간호대학
The Relation of Self-reported Adult Attachment Style, Perceived Parental Rearing Style and Anger in Undergraduate Students
Young-Joo Park1, Eun-Sook Park2, Sung-Ok Chang3, Myung-Sook Choi4, Jun-Ah Song5, So-Hyun Moon6
1College of Nursing, Korea University
2College of Nursing, Korea University
3College of Nursing, Korea University
4College of Nursing, Korea University
5Department of Nursing, Seoil College
6College of Nursing, Korea University
Purpose: This study was done to examine the relation of self-reported adult attachment style, perceived parental rearing styles and anger in undergraduate students.
Method: The six hundred and fifty undergraduate students participating in this descriptive correlational design study were conveniently sampled from K University and S College located in Seoul, Korea. The instruments were Spielberger's state-trait anger expression inventory - Korean version(Chon, Han, Lee & Spielberger, 1997), the instrument for measuring attachment styles by Hazen and Shaver (1987), and Hong's instrument for measuring parental rearing style(2001). Data were analyzed by descriptive statistics, t-test, $X^2-test$, ANOVA, and cluster analysis using pc-SAS(version 8.0e) program.
Results: The mean scores for trait anger and anger-in were higher in undergraduate students with insecure and ambivalent attachment style compared to students with a secure attachment style. The mean score for anger-control was highest in undergraduate students with a secure attachment style. The parental rearing styles by cluster analysis were grouped as Neglect, Permissive, Democratic, and Protective-control. The mean scores for trait anger, anger-in, and anger-out were higher in undergraduate students with 'Neglect' parental rearing style than in those with 'Democratic' and 'Protective-control' rearing styles.
Conclusion: Trait anger and anger expression might be related to an attachment style and/or a parental rearing style.
Key words: Anger | Attachment | Parenting | Undergraduate
주요어: 대학생 | 분노 | 성인애착 | 부모양육방식
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