1Department of Nursing, Cheju Halla College 2Department of Nursing, Cheju Halla College 3Department of Nursing, Cheju Halla College
Purpose: This research was done to identify how PBL education using a simulator affects nursing students' critical thinking, self-efficacy, and meta-cognition by applying and developing a PBL module using the Simman simulator. Method: With a one group pre-post test design, the research was conducted with a convenience sampling on 66 students in C College on Jeju Island for 8 weeks from August to October, 2005. The collected data on critical thinking, self-efficacy, and meta-cognition were analyzed using T-test. SPSS 10.0 was used to assist analysis. For study-related variables, means and standard deviations were used. Results: The finding of the research showed that most of the students were in favor of use of PBL-in the curriculum with more than 50% of the scores indicating satisfaction with content of the teaching, the teaching method, and self-confidence in nursing. The results also showed that there was an increase in interest among the students regarding campus practical education. Conclusion: As the application of the PBL module using the Simman simulator elicited more interest and satisfaction from the students, it is worth using this simulator as a the teaching method to improve the practical education in nursing.