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Journal of Korean Academy of Fundamentals of Nursing 2006;13(1): 140
감성(Sensibility)의 개념 분석
박현주1, 최진2
1동국대학교 포항병원 응급실
2선린대학 간호과
Analysis of the Concept of Sensibility
Hyun-Ju Park1, Jin Choi2
1Dongguk University Hospital
2Department of Nursing, Sunlin College
Purpose: The concept of sensibility as sensitive perception is a part of the most important elements in human relations and nursing. However, sensibility has not been a focus of nursing research and it seems important to clarify the meaning of sensibility. Therefore, in this study the meaning of sensibility as a cognitive faculty of humans was explored. The results will contribute to the development of nursing science and art.
Method: The process described by Walker and Avant to analyze concepts was used to define the concept of sensibility.
Results: Attributes of sensibility were defined as 'emotional ability to feel', 'delicate, sensitive awareness of emotion' 'appreciative, tender hearted about oneself and others', 'awareness of intellectual, moral values', 'liability to be vulnerable', 'direct interrelation with individual'.
Conclusion: The sensibility mentioned above included the attribute of caring within nurses intrinsic disposition which is achieved through the process of interrelational communication. Therefore continuous study and development of this concept should not only provide resources for nursing but also have a positive effect in therapeutic personal relationships.
Key words: Sensibility | Emotion
주요어: 감성 | 정서
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