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Journal of Korean Academy of Fundamentals of Nursing 2006;13(1): 129
농아인과 건청인의 질병관련 지식 비교
염영희1, 이정애2, 김은주3, 이규은4
1중앙대학교 의과대학 간호학과
2한림정보산업대학 의무행정과
3한서대학교 간호학과
4관동대학교 의과대학 간호학과
A Comparison of Disease-Related Knowledge between Hearing Impaired and Normal Hearing Persons
Young-Hee Yom1, Jung-Ae Yee2, Eun-Ju Kim3, Kyu-Eun Lee4
1Department of Nursing, Chung Ang University
2Department of Medical care and Hospital Administration, Hallym College of Information & Industry
3Department of Nursing, Hanseo University
4Department of Nursing, Kwandong University
Purpose: The purpose of this study was to compare the levels of knowledge on 5 diseases between persons in hearing impaired and normal hearing groups.
Method: The participants consisted of 44 people who are hearing impaired and 47 who are not. An instrument developed by the research team was used for data collection. The questionnaire consisted of 90 items including demographics and items on 5 diseases, hypertension, cancer, diabetes, pulmonary tuberculosis, and hepatitis.
Results: The level of knowledge on the 5 diseases, hypertension, cancer, diabetes, pulmonary tuberculosis, and hepatitis in normal hearing group was significantly higher than hearing impaired group.
Conclusion: More attention and comprehensive educational programs are needed for people with hearing impairment.
Key words: Hearing impaired | Knowledge
주요어: 농아인 | 지식
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