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Journal of Korean Academy of Fundamentals of Nursing 2006;13(1): 96
소방대원의 이차 외상성 스트레스, 소진 및 신체적 증상의 영향요인 분석
오진환1, 임난영2
1충주대학교 전문응급구조학과
2한양대학교 간호학과
Analysis of Factors Influencing Secondary Traumatic Stress, Burnout, and Physical Symptoms in Firefighters
Jin-Hwan Oh1, Nan-Young Lim2
1Department of Emergency Medical Technology, Chungju National University
2Department of Nursing, Hanyang University
Purpose: This study was dont: to evaluate the factors that influence secondary traumatic stress, burnout, and physical symptoms experienced by firefighters. In addition, a hypothetical model was developed.
Method: The data were collected using self-reported questionnaires from 410 field service firefighters. Data analysis was done with the SPSSWIN 10.0 program for descriptive statistics and Windows LISREL program to determine the causal relationship between the measurement variables.
Results: The hypothetical model which was developed fits well with actual data(${chi}^2$=3.16, p=0.99, GFI=1.00, AGFI=0.99, NFI=0.99, and NNFI=1.06). The variable, personality type, social support, and impact mobilization frequency had a significant effect and accounted for 7% of the secondary traumatic stress in firefighters. The variables, career, social support, and secondary traumatic stress had a significant effect and accounted for 24% of the burnout in firefighters. Social support, impact mobilization frequency, and secondary traumatic stress were important variables and accounted for 31% of the physical symptoms in firefighters.
Conclusion: It is necessary for firefighters to manage themselves according to their personality types. Strategies that can increase the firefighters' social support and decrease their perceived secondary traumatic stress also need to be developed to minimize or prevent a negative effect on their health.
Key words: Rescue work | Post-traumatic stress disorder | Burnout
주요어: 소방대원 | 이차 외상성 스트레스 | 소진
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