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Journal of Korean Academy of Fundamentals of Nursing 2006;13(1): 15
투약에 대한 입원환자의 간호요구도와 만족도
양윤정1, 임경희2, 박연정3, 손인혜4, 이은남5, 주현옥6
1동아대학교 의료원
2동아대학교 의료원
3동아대학교 의료원
4동아대학교 의료원
5동아대학교 간호학과
6동아대학교 간호학과
Nursing Needs and Satisfaction with Medications in Patients Admitted to Hospital
Yeun-Jung Yang1, Kyung-Hee Lim2, Yeon-Jung Park3, In-Hye Son4, En-Nam Lee5, Hyeo-Nok Ju6
1Dong-A University Medical Center
2Dong-A University Medical Center
3Dong-A University Medical Center
4Dong-A University Medical Center
5Department of Nursing, Dong-A University
6Department of Nursing, Dong-A University
Purpose: This study was dont: to identify the differences nursing needs and satisfaction with medications in patients admitted to hospital.
Method: The participants were 258 patients admitted for 3days or more to D hospital. The data were analyzed using frequencies, percentages, means, standard deviations, t-test and ANOVA. SPSS-WIN 11.0 was used to assist analysis.
Results: The results are as follow: 1. Variables effecting nursing needs were education and economic level. All scores of nursing needs were higher in the group with less than middle school education compared to those with high school education or higher. 2. The scores for nursing needs were higher than the score for satisfaction in common item and injection domains. The scores for nursing satisfaction were higher than nursing needs in the oral medication domain. 3. The item with the highest difference between the scores for nursing needs and satisfaction was 'I want to know the side effect of the drugs'.
Conclusion: Patients admitted to hospital want to know the therapeutic effect, side effect and reason for their drugs. However satisfaction with medication was not equal to needs. It is necessary to emphasize clinical pharmacology in nursing education programs.
Key words: Medication | Needs | Satisfaction
주요어: 투약 | 요구 | 만족도
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