1Department of Nursing, Dankook University 2Department of Nursing, Gyeong Sang National University
Purpose: This study was don(B to describe research-related activities and attitudes toward research, barriers to and support needs for undertaking research in clinical nurses. Method: Data were collected by a questionnaire from 238 clinical nurses with over one year clinical experience working at 2 university hospitals. Results: Research related activities included courses or lecture about Nursing Research 85.7%, journal reading at least once every 2 to 3 months 30.0%, memberships in academic societies 29.4%, participation in academic conferences 45.0%, conducting research 45.4%, research utilization 24.6%. The score for attitudes toward research was 3.08(range 1-5). The score of barriers to undertaking research was 3.37(1-5) and the score for support needs for undertaking research 4.14(1-5). Attitudes toward research significantly correlated with barriers to undertaking research(r=.- 36, p=.000). Barriers to undertaking research significantly correlated with support needs for conducting research(r=.23, p=.000). Nurses with experience in conducting research had more negative attitudes toward research(t=-2.130, p=0.034) and more barriers to undertaking research than those without experience in conducting research (t=2.194, p=0.029). Conclusion: These results suggest that it is necessary to increase positive attitudes toward research in clinical nurses and nursing organizations need to provide strong supports for nurses conducting research.