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Journal of Korean Academy of Fundamentals of Nursing 2005;12(3): 404
MBTI를 활용한 일 병원 간호사의 성격특성과 직무만족도와의 관계연구
한애경1, 원종순2, 김옥수3, 박미경4, 장정미5
1서울보건대학 간호과
2서울보건대학 간호과
Descriptive Correlational Study on Personality Type using MBTI and lob Satisfaction
Ae-Kyung Han1, Jong-Soon Won2, Ok-Soo Kim3, Mi-Kyung Park4, Jung-Mi Chang5
1Department of Nursing, Seoul Health College
2Department of Nursing, Seoul Health College
3Department Eulji Hospital
4Director of Psychological Treatment Center, Sol-Hospital
5Department of Nursing, Seoul Health College
Purpose: This study was done to examine the correlations between personality type and job satisfaction of nurses.
Methods: Subjects included three hundred twelve nurses ages from 21 to 55. The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator(MBTI) was administered to determine the personality types of the nurses(n=312). A job satisfaction survey including a demographic and career questionnaire was also used. Data were analyzed using ANOVA.
Results: The mean score fur job satisfaction was 113.68 out of 205. The result showed that there was no statistically significant correlation between job satisfaction and information gathering functions, S: Sensing, N: Intuition (t=.667, p=.499), T; Thinking, F; Feeling (t=.822, p=.412). The results, however, indicated that style for gaining energy(I: Introversion, E: Extroversion)(t=2.008, p=.046) and life dealing style(J : Judgement, P : Perception)(t=2.290, p=.023) were significantly correlated with job satisfaction. The extrovert focuses on the outside and get energy through interacting with people and doing things. Judgement type is described as organized, decisive, and orderly.
Conclusion: Nurses in the extrovert and judgement types were more satisfied with their Jobs than those in the introvert and perceptive type. Other results support that educational level, marital status, job characteristics, clinical experiences, motivation for nursing, and night duty were correlated with job satisfaction.
Key words: Personality type | Job satisfaction
주요어: 성격특성 | 직무만족도
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