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Journal of Korean Academy of Fundamentals of Nursing 2005;12(3): 362
중학생의 가정환경요인에 따른 성교육 후 성태도 변화
김은주1, 염영희2, 차복경3, 조선화4, 이규은5
1한서대학교 간호학과
2중앙대학교 간호학과
3한서대학교 건강증진대학원
4한서대학교 아동청소년복지학과
5관동대학교 간호학과
Sexual Attitude Changes after Sex Education according to Family Environmental Factors in Middle School Students
Eun-Ju Kim1, Young-Hee Yom2, Bok-Kyeong Cha3, Seon-Hwa Cho4, Kyu-Eun Lee5
1Department of Nursing, Hanseo University
2Department of Nursing, Chung Ang University
3Graduate School of Health Promotion, Hanseo University
4Department of Child-Adolescent Welfare, Hanseo University
5Department of Nursing, Kwandong University
Purpose: this study was carried out to identify family environmental factors related to changes in sexual attitudes through a sexuality education based on correct sexual attitude for middle school students.
Methods: The subjects were 141 students (67 boys and 74 girls) in 4 classes of the first grade of a coeducational middle school, in Seoul. The school nurse provided the sexuality education for 18 hours over 16 weeks.
Results: After the sexuality education, there was a significant increase in sexual attitude(t=59.06, p<.001). For family environmental factors related to changes in sexual attitude,'relationship with parents' was a significant factor for both boys and girls. For the girls, there were many other related factors such as 'parents' openness', 'family structure', and 'economic status'. Significant factors were 'Family structure' for attitude to abortion and 'parents' openness' for attitude to intercourse before marriage.
Conclusions: Based on these results, systematic sexuality education is needed to enhance correct sexual attitudes in youth. To increase the effect of sexuality education, it should include contents to improve relationships with patents. Also, for parents, programs to improve relationships with their children and to change the values such as openness may also be required.
Key words: Sexuality | Attitude | Sex education | Family | Middle school student
주요어: | 태도 | 성교육 | 가정환경 | 중학생