2000년도와 2004년도의 기본간호학 학습목표 비교연구 |
임난영1, 송경애2, 손영희3, 구미옥4, 김경희5, 김화순6, 백훈정7, 변영순8, 이윤경9, 김종임10 |
1한양대학교 간호학과 2가톨릭대학교 간호대학 3국립의료원 간호대학 4경상대학교 간호학과 5중앙대학교 간호학과 6인하대학교 간호학과 7여주대학 간호과 8이화대학교 간호대학 9한양대학교 간호학과 10충남대학교 간호학과 |
A Comparison of Learning Objectives in Fundamentals of Nursing between 2000 and 2004 year |
Nan-Young Lim1, Kyeong-Yae Sohng2, Young-Hee Shon3, Mee-Ock Gu4, Kyung-Hee Kim5, Hwa-Soon Kim6, Hoon-Jung Paik7, Young-Soon Byeon8, Yoon-Kyoung Lee9, Jong-Im Kim10 |
1Department of Nursing, Hanyang University 2College of Nursing, The Catholic University of Korea 3National Medical Center Nursing College 4Department of Nursing, Gyeongsang National University 5Department of Nursing, Chung-Ang University 6Department of Nursing, Inha University 7Yeojoo Institute of Technology 8College of Nursing Science, Ewha Woman's University 9Department of Nursing, Hanyang University 10Department of Nursing, Chungnam National University |
Abstract |
Purpose: The purpose of this study was to compare changes in learning objectives in Fundamentals of Nursing which were established between 2000 and 2004. Method: 2000, 2004 learning objectives were analyzed with frequencies and percents. Results: There was an increase in the total number of learning objectives used in 2004(n=534) over 2000(n=527). In 2004 compared to 2000, there was an increase in learning objectives related to nursing process, need of oxygenation, need of nutrition, need of temperature regulation, need of activity and exercise, need of comfort, medication, preoperative care. According to Bloom's taxonomy, learning objectives established in 2004, mainly consisted of three domains, 35.5% for comprehension, 23.6% for synthesis, 20.4% for knowledge Changes in learning objectives established in 2004 compared to 2000 decreases in the comprehension domain and increases in the synthesis domain. Conclusion: The learning objectives established in 2004 showed remarkable change when compared to those established in 2000. But the learning objective domains in Bloom's taxonomy were distributed unevenly. For better learning objectives in Fundamentals of Nursing, constant revision will be needed. |
Key words:
Learning objectives | Fundamentals of Nursing |
교육 | 간호학 |