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Journal of Korean Academy of Fundamentals of Nursing 2005;12(1): 91
자료적 트라이앵귤레이션 방법의 활용을 통한 호스피스 교육평가에 관한 연구
백훈정1, 김춘미2, 최순영3, 박순옥4, 문진하5, 김정숙6, 김애정7
1여주대학교 간호과
2여주대학교 간호과
3여주대학교 간호과
4여주대학교 간호과
5여주대학교 간호과
6여주대학교 간호과
7여주대학교 간호과
Evaluative Study of Hospice Education using Data Triangulation
Hoon-Jung Paik1, Chun-Mi Kim2, Soon-Young Choi3, Soon-Ok Park4, Jin-Ha Moon5, Jung-Suk Kim6, Ae-Jung Kim7
1Department of Nursing, Yeojoo Institute of Technology
2Department of Nursing, Yeojoo Institute of Technology
3Department of Nursing, Yeojoo Institute of Technology
4Department of Nursing, Yeojoo Institute of Technology
5Department of Nursing, Yeojoo Institute of Technology
6Department of Nursing, Yeojoo Institute of Technology
7Department of Nursing, Yeojoo Institute of Technology
Purpose: This research used quantitative research to identify differences in death consciousness between pre and post education. The study was also designed to further understanding of the effects of nursing education by using a qualitative analysis to examine hospice education experience.
Method: This study a one group pre-post test design.
Results: 1 The mean score for the students' death consciousness before the hospice education averaged $2.15{pm};.33$, a medium level for death Consciousness. The Score after education was $2.25{pm};.36$, that is, there was higher score for death consciousness after education. 2. The result of classification, giving their names and categorizing the experience of being in a coffin shown to be self-reflection, regret, recognition to death, death as discontinuation of life, the last closing from everything, death as a sad and cruel event, death as another world, specialist intuition of nursing.
Conclusion: This research provided an opportunity for nursing students to consider death earnestly and realistically through hospice nursing education. We also discovered affirmative changes in the students' viewpoint of death, students who in future clinical practice may work with elders. We also found increases in motives to develop ability to present effective aid to dying patients.
Key words: Hospice | Nursing education
주요어: 호스피스 | 간호교육
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