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Journal of Korean Academy of Fundamentals of Nursing 1995;2(1): 37
혈액투석시 EMLA크림 처치와 Lidocaine 피내주사에 따른 통증정도의 비교
신미옥1, 박혜자2, 장은정3, 서연희4, 허미연5, 김미경6, 최미리7, 이명자8, 김영주9
1가톨릭대학교 의과대학 강남성모병원 인공신장실
2가톨릭대학교 의과대학 강남성모병원
3가톨릭대학교 의과대학 강남성모병원 인공신장실
4가톨릭대학교 의과대학 강남성모병원 인공신장실
5가톨릭대학교 의과대학 강남성모병원 인공신장실
6가톨릭대학교 의과대학 강남성모병원 인공신장실
7가톨릭대학교 의과대학 강남성모병원 인공신장실
8가톨릭대학교 의과대학 강남성모병원 인공신장실
9가톨릭대학교 의과대학 강남성모병원 인공신장실
A Comparison of Pain Reducing Effects of Topical EMLA Cream and Subcutaneous Lidocaine in Hemodialysis Patients
Mee-Ok Shin1, Hye-Ja Park2, Eun-Jeung Chang3, Youn-Hee Suh4, Mi-Yeon Heo5, Mi-Kyoung Kim6, Mi-Lee Choi7, Myoung-Ja Lee8, Young-Ju Kim9
1Hemodialysis Room, Kangnam St. Mary's Hospital. Catholic University
2Kangnam St. Mary's Hospital. Catholic University
3Hemodialysis Room, Kangnam St. Mary's Hospital. Catholic University
4Hemodialysis Room, Kangnam St. Mary's Hospital. Catholic University
5Hemodialysis Room, Kangnam St. Mary's Hospital. Catholic University
6Hemodialysis Room, Kangnam St. Mary's Hospital. Catholic University
7Hemodialysis Room, Kangnam St. Mary's Hospital. Catholic University
8Hemodialysis Room, Kangnam St. Mary's Hospital. Catholic University
9Hemodialysis Room, Kangnam St. Mary's Hospital. Catholic University
This study was conducted to compare the severity of cannulation pain in hemodialysis patients after topical application of EMLA cream and local injection of lidocaine and evaluated side effects and problems accompanied by the former. Twenty patients, who were on hemodialysis from September 1 to October 15, 1994 at the Kangnam St. Mary's Hospital, Catholic University Medical College, were divided into two groups of ten. To conduct a cross over study, two groups were placed on four repeated methods with lidocaine followed by four repeated methods with EMLA cream and vice versa, respectively, while the severity of cannulation pain was being measured according to a Visual Analogue Scale with each methods. The results are follows : 1) The scale of pain was recorded as $4.56{pm}1.38$ and $2.05{pm}1.36$ points for methods with lidocaine and EMLA cream, respectively, indicating the less severe pain with EMLA cream. 2) Local side effects such as itching(4 cases, 5.0%)and pallor (5 cases, 6.3%)were observed with methods with EMLA cream but disappeared before the completion of hemodialysis. 3) Problems associated with local lidocaine were pain at the injection of anesthetic (27cases, 16.9%)and fear for needle insertion(6 cases, 3.8%). The most frequent problems with EMLA cream application were an inconvenience in use (11 cases, 6.9%)and tedious long pretreatment time(11 cases, 6.9%), those associated with inconvenience in cream applying procedures. 4) Twelve out of twenty patients(60.0%) responded with yes to a continued use of EMLA cream in spite of problems with cream application and economical difficulties in purchasing. These results indicate that 5% EMLA cream used as a local anesthetic in hemodialysis significantly reduces cannulation pain and lacks side effects, thus serving as a suitable method for the alleviation of cannulation pain and inconvenience in hemodialysis and the relief of psychological stress of nurses.
주요어: 혈액투석 | 동정맥루 천자 | 통증