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Journal of Korean Academy of Fundamentals of Nursing 1995;2(1): 19
항암 화학요법을 받는 환자의 식욕부진 정도와 식이양상에 관한 연구
최은숙1, 김금순2
1현대 아산재단 중앙병원
2서울대학교 간호대학
A Study on the Anorexia and Diet Patterns in Cancer Chemotherapy Patients
Eun-Sook Choi1, Keum-Soon Kim2
1Hyun Dai Jung Ang Medical Center
2College of Nursing, Seoul National University
This study was designed to identify the severity of anorexia and the diet patterns in receiving chemotherapy. The identification of anorexia would provide useful and basic information to oncology nursing care. The subjects of this study were 102 hospitalized chemotherapy patients in a September 10, 1994. The subjects were 20 years old or above and who agreed to participate in this study and could understand the questionnaire. Three-days diet history were collected and analysed. The study subjects change, food aversions, the severity of anorexia. Data related to demographic and other mecdical characteristics such as age, diagnosis, and medication were collected by review of patient medical record. The results of this study were summarized as follows : 1) The score of anorexia was 73.7 in Anorexia Visual Analogue Scales and mean amount of fool intake per a day was 823cc. The larger the anorexia VAS score, the more severe of anorexia. 2) The food preferences of subjects were identified. Those were aversions, or dislikes the meat such as beef, pork, and chicken, and greesy or fried foods. The Caffeinated drinks such as coffee and tea were disgusted, also. The patients preferred vegetables and Korean traditional food especially kimchee and soy bean soap. 3) Those who were administered analgesics and cisplatin suffered more severe in anorexia than those who analgesics and cisplatin was not administarted. The patients with gastrointestinal cancer has more severe anorexia than those who have the other site cancer ; head and neck, genirourinary etc. The result of this study in turn provide valuable nursing practice guidelines for nutritional counseling in cancer chemotherapy patient. Nurses working with chemotherapy ward should identify the severity of anorexia and diet patterns. In conclusion, the severity of anorexia in cancer chemotherapy patients is very important problems. Health care personnels recognize the potential problems of anorexia and encourage the nutritional counseling in cancer chemotherapy patients.
주요어: 항암화학요법 | 식욕부진 | 식이양상