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Journal of Korean Academy of Fundamentals of Nursing 2004;11(3): 317
임상간호사의 피로와 삶의 질에 대한 연구
이정인1, 박선희2, 문자민3, 정지윤4, 박경애5, 김경옥6, 정현정7
1혜천대학 간호과
2인제대학교 일산백병원
3인제대학교 일산백병원
4인제대학교 일산백병원
5인제대학교 일산백병원
6인제대학교 일산백병원
7인제대학교 일산백병원
Fatigue and Quality of Life in Clinical Nurses
Jung-In Lee1, Sun-Hee Park2, Ja-Min Moon3, Ji-Yun Jung4, Kyoung-Ae Park5, Kyoung-Ok Kim6, Hyun-Jeong Jeong7
1Department of Nursing, Hyechon College
2Inje University Ilsanpaik Hospital
3Inje University Ilsanpaik Hospital
4Inje University Ilsanpaik Hospital
5Inje University Ilsanpaik Hospital
6Inje University Ilsanpaik Hospital
7Inje University Ilsanpaik Hospital
Purpose: This study was done to identify correlations between fatigue and quality of lift in clinical nurses.
Method: A sample of 294 nurses working in 3 general hospitals answered a questionnaire containing Yoshitake's fatigue scale and WHOQOL-BREF. Data were analyzed using t-test, ANOVA and Pearson correlation coefficients. The SPSS/WIN 11.0 version program was used.
Results: The score for level of fatigue was 2.11 (52.7%) and quality of lift, 2.89 (57.8%). The level of fatigue was highest in the physical domain followed by psychical and nervous-sensual domain in that order. There were statistically significant differences in scores of fatigue depending on the nurse's age, marital status, career, position, health status and present illness. Quality of life had the highest score in the social domain followed by physical, overall, psychological, and environmental domain in that order. There were statistically significant differences in scores on quality of life depending on nurse's age, marital status, career, position, health status and present illness.
Conclusion: The relationship between fatigue and quality of lift revealed a significant negative correlation. Based on this study, nursing administrators need to reduce the level of nurse fatigue by providing various programs, which improve quality of life.
Key words: Nurse | Fatigue | Quality of life
주요어: 간호사 | 피로 | 삶의 질