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Journal of Korean Academy of Fundamentals of Nursing 2004;11(3): 292
여성 장애인의 교육 요구도와 건강증진행위, 건강개념과의 관계
변영순1, 이혜영2
1이화여자 대학교
2이화여자 대학교
The Relationships of Patient Learning Needs and Health Promoting Behavior, Health Concept in Women with Disabilities
Young-Soon Byun1, Hea-Young Lee2
1College of Nursing Science, Ewha Woman's University
2College of Nursing Science, Ewha Woman's University
Purpose: this study was to describe patient learning needs and the relationship between health promoting behavior and health concept with women with disabilities.
Methods: A descriptive survey design was used and the SPSS 11.0 program was used for data analysis, which included t-test, ANOVA and Pearson correlation coefficients. The women (n=50) were in-patients in a rehabilitation center.
Results: The study results indicate that they had high levels of patient learning needs and the most important information for patient learning needs was support and care. Patient learning need was correlated with health promoting behavior.
Conclusions: The findings of this study give useful information to construct further studies in educational programs and rehabilitation nursing care and to support a healthcare system for women with disabilities.
Key words: Disabled persons | Patient education | Health promotion
주요어: 장애인 | 환자교육 | 건강증진