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Journal of Korean Academy of Fundamentals of Nursing 2004;11(2): 195
우리나라 종합병원과 일반병원의 마취 전문간호사 수요분석
신성례1, 오복자2
1삼육대학교 간호학과
2삼육대학교 간호학과
A Study on the Demand for Nurse Anesthetists in Korea
Sung-Rae Shin1, Pok-Ja Oh2
1Department of Nursing, Sahmyook University
2Department of Nursing, Sahmyook University
Purpose: This descriptive study was conducted to project the number of nurse anesthetists needed in hospital settings, up to the year 2015.
Method: Necessary data and information were collected from various funded reports, professional literature, web sites and personal visits to national and private institutions. The number of nurse anesthetists needed was projected after considering the total number of cases requiring anesthesia including deliveries, workload ratio for caesarean section to total number of deliveries, and percent of deliveries requiring and anesthesia. Result: The projected number of nurse anesthetists needed for hospital settings are as follows: 1. The number of registered anesthesia personnel in Korea in 2002 was 2,481 anesthesiologists and 543 nurse anesthetists but only 60% of anesthesiologists and 30% of nurse anesthetists (147) were actually practicing in the field of surgery. 2. By the year 2015, the total number of projected nurse anesthetists needed in hospital settings will be between 214 and 265.
Conclusion: In order to match the supply to the need, the professional organizations should direct efforts towards enacting legislation. Educational systems should identify strategies to initiating an adequate number of nurse anesthetist programs at the master's level as well as standardizing curriculums across programs.
Key words: Nurse anesthetists | Nurse specialist | Projection
주요어: 마취간호사 | 전문간호사 | 수요추계