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Journal of Korean Academy of Fundamentals of Nursing 2003;10(3): 316
한방병원 간호사의 역할갈등과 직무만족도에 관한 연구
송미령1, 이정순2
1동신대학교 간호학과
2동신대학교 한방병원
A Study on Role Conflict and Job Satisfaction in Nurses in Oriental Medicine Hospitals
Mi-Ryeong Song1, Jeong-Soon Lee2
1Department of Nursing, Dongshin University
2Department of Nursing, Oriental Medicine Hospital of Dongshin University
Purpose: This study was done to identify role conflict and job satisfaction in nurses in oriental medicine hospitals.
Method: Study participants were 128 nurses employed in oriental medicine hospitals. The data were collected using a survey questionnaire. The instruments included a 37-item role conflict scale and 20-item job satisfaction scale. The data were analyzed using frequencies, means, percentages, t-test, ANOVA, and Pearson correlation coefficient with the Window's SPSS program. Result: There were significant differences in job satisfaction according to marital status, motivative for being a nurse and length of work time. The mean score for role conflict was 3.69 and for job satisfaction, 2.96. Job satisfaction had a significant inverse correlation with role conflict in these nurses.
Conclusion: It is suggested that further studies are needed to identify factors affecting role conflict and job satisfaction in oriental medicine nurses, which will help to identify strategies to decrease the role conflict and increase job satisfaction in nurses employed in oriental medicine hospitals.
Key words: Nurses | Role conflict | Job satisfaction
주요어: 한방병원 간호사 | 역할갈등 | 직무만족도