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Journal of Korean Academy of Fundamentals of Nursing 2002;9(3): 513
발마사지가 노인의 수면, 활력징후, 피로에 미치는 영향
서울보건대학 간호과
Effect of Foot Massage on Sleep, Vital Sign and Fatigue in the Elderly who live in their Home
Jong-Soon Won
Department of Nursing, Seoul Health College
Purpose : This study aimed to investigate the effect of foot massage on sleep, vital signs and fatigue in the elderly who live in their Home.
Method: Data were collected from 20 elderly who live in the Seoul-Kyunggi province area by convenience sampling and analyzed the change of sleep and sleep satisfaction, vital signs(pulse, respiration, systolic and diastolic blood pressure) and general fatigue between pre and post foot massage using Paired t- test at 0.05 of significance level. Result: There were very significant difference in the sleep and fatigue between pre and post foot massage.
Conclusion: Foot massage can improve the sleep and decrease fatigue, therefore we recommend to use foot massage as a effective sleep related nursing intervention in the elderly who live in their home.
Key words: Foot massage | Elderly | Sleep | Vital sign | Fatigue
주요어: 발마사지 | 노인 | 수면 | 활력징후 | 피로