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Journal of Korean Academy of Fundamentals of Nursing 2002;9(3): 462
간호대학생의 임상실습 전 영적 간호경험 I : 사례연구를 중심으로
삼육대학교 간호학과
Experiences in Spiritual Nursing Care by Student Nurses before Starting Nursing Practice in Hospital: Part I
Myung-Suk Koh
Department of Nursing, SahmYook University
The purpose of this study was to describe the spiritual care experiences of student nurses after they have received 2 credits in a spiritual nursing care course at a university in Seoul, Korea. The major finding are as follow: 1 The problems that students reported for their patients were. loss of self- confidence, anxiety about outward appearance, anxiety about his(her) health and illness, maladaptability, guilt, problems with dating, uncertainty about his (her) future. 2. The methods which students used to help solve the patients' problems were: prayer with patients, use of Scripture, conversation, advice, frequent meetings listening, frequent phone call, writing letters, exploring problem solving methods together, and introduction of similar patients. 3. After the students had experienced spiritual nursing care they felt satis-faction, lack of knowledge of spiritual care, understood that spiritual nursing care courses at the university are important for education and experience, and understood the need for experience to increase sensitivity to the spiritual needs of their patients. Conclusion : Maintaining spiritual wellness is a important as maintaining physical fitness and essential for optimal well being. Therefore educating student nurses in developing and maintaining spiritual wellness is essential in order for them to help their patients achieve holism.
Key words: Spiritual nursing care | Spiritual nursing care experience | Nursing students
주요어: 영적 간호 | 영적 간호경험 | 간호대학생
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