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Journal of Korean Academy of Fundamentals of Nursing 2002;9(3): 399
만성 간 환자의 보완대체요법 시행 실태와 건강 통제위의 영향
동국대학교 간호학과
Application of Complementary Alternative Therapies(CAT) and Influence of Health Locus of Control on CAT in Patients with Chronic Liver Disease
Haeng-Mi Son
Department of Nursing, College of Medicine, Dongguk University
Purpose: This study was done to investigate the application of complementary and alternative therapies (CAT) in patients with chronic liver disease. and to analyze the Influence of health locus of control (HLOC) on CAT.
Method: Questionnaires on CAT and a multidimensional health locus of control (MHLOC) scale developed by Wallston and Wallston were completed by 141 patients. Result: Analysis showed that 44.7% of the patients had experience with CAT and 49.2% of the patients reported being willing to use CAT. Reliability scores for the scale were HLOC-I 0.7376, HLOC-P 0.6383, HLOC-C 0.7351. The mean scores for the HLOC were HLOC-I 24.86, HLOC-P 22.86, HLOC-C 16.00. There were no significant differences in mean scores for HLOC between the patients who had used CAT and those who had not. Eight response Patterns for HLOC were identified. Among them, 'yea sayer' was the largest group (27.0%). A significant difference was found in the 'yea sayer' pattern between the group who had used CAT and the group who had not.
Conclusion: CAT relates to various cognitive factors such as HLOC. Further study is needed to examine the influence of HLOC on CAT and its response patterns.
Key words: Complementary therapies | Alternative therapies | Internal-external control | Chronic liver disease
주요어: 보완대체요법 | 건강 통제위 | 만성 간 질환