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Journal of Korean Academy of Fundamentals of Nursing 2002;9(3): 370
기계환기기 치료 환자들의 진정상태유지를 위한 투약양상 및 사정내용에 대한 일 조사연구
인하대학교 간호학과
The Administration Patterns of Sedatives for Sedation of Mechanically Ventilated Patients and Patient Assessment by Nurses
Hwa-Soon Kim
Department of Nursing, Inha University
Purpose: The purpose of this descriptive study was to investigate the administration patterns of sedatives and paralytic agents for mechanically ventilated patients.
Method: The participants were 18 adult patients who received mechanical ventilation therapy for more than 1 day in the MICU. Collected data were type of injected medications, administration interval, injected amount, administration purpose and patient assessment by nurses. Result: Mean age of the patients was 61 years old. Seventy-two percent were male. Only 2 drugs (midazolam and norcuron) were administered to most of subjects. The type of medication administered was less heterogeneous than in previous studies. Most of the patients received sedatives and paralytics intermittently. Six different methods were used by nurses to administer sedatives and paralytics. The mean injection frequency was 9.3 times/day for sedatives and 10.8 times/day for paralytic agents. The most common purpose for administration of the drugs was full sedation of the patient (57%).
Conclusion: Since a few patients received sedatives and paralytic agents higher than usual dose and a few Patients received those drugs lower than usual dose, nurses need to use proper protocols and guidelines for sedation to avoid oversedation and undersedation.
Key words: Mechanical ventilation | Critically ill patient | Sedation | Sedatives
주요어: 기계환기기 | 중환자 | 진정 | 진정제
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