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Journal of Korean Academy of Fundamentals of Nursing 2001;8(2): 244
기본간호학 PBL 모듈(Module) 개발 및 적용의 일 예
강기선1, 박미영2, 이우숙3
1제주한라대학 간호과
2제주한라대학 간호과
3제주한라대학 간호과
An Example of Development and Implementation of PBL Module in Fundamentals of Nursing
Ki-Sun Kang1, Mee-Young Park2, Woo-Sook Lee3
1Department of Nursing, Cheju Halla College
2Department of Nursing, Cheju Halla College
3Department of Nursing, Cheju Halla College
Purpose: The purpose of this study was to develop and apply a conceptualized PBL module for Fundamentals of Nursing.
Method: A case study method was used to describe and explore the Process of developing and implementing the PBL module. Result: This module included three PBL packages that were designed to deal with more complexed and indepth concepts as the packages proceeded. In order to achieved that, all the contents of Fundamentals of Nursing II and III were reorganized and integrated into three main concepts, hygiene, infection and dehydration. This module was implemented for first year college student nurses in the second semester of year 2000. The student self-evaluation results showed that they were generally satisfied with their achievement in learning, both final outcome and process. Also, the results indicated that they were more satisfied with the subject management, the lecturer and their peers after implementing PBL. Conclusion : This study demonstrated the potentiality for the application of a partially integrated PBL module within an existing subject. However, when student learning needs were beyond the extent of Fundamentals of Nursing, the lecturer had to set boundaries on learning content and this may have reduced the effects of learning. Therefore, the researchers emphasize the importance of developing an integrated PBL curriculum to maximize student learning outcomes.
Key words: PBL | Development and Application of a Module
주요어: 모듈 개발 적용