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Journal of Korean Academy of Fundamentals of Nursing 2000;7(3): 415
정맥으로 투여하는 발포성 항암제의 합병증
최은숙1, 김금순2, 주명순3, 김복자4
1서울중앙병원 정맥주사전문간호사
2서울대학교 간호대학
3서울중앙병원 내과간호1팀
Survey on the Side Effects of the Vesicant Chemotherapy
Eun-Sook Choi1, Keum-Soon Kim2, Myung-Soon Joo3, Bok-Ja Kim4
1Department of Nursing, Asan Medical Center
2College of Nursing, Seoul National University
3Department of Nursing, Asan Medical Center
4Department of Nursing, Asan Medical Center
The purpose of this study was to identify side effects of the vesicant chemotherapy. The study was designed to be a descriptive survey. The subjects of this study were 88 patients with various types of cancer, primary lung cancer(25.0%), advanced gastric cancer(25.0%), breast cancer(20.5%), etc. The mean age was 44.8 years old(range: 16-68). The questionnaire was completed by nurses of the outpatient unit and chemotherapy ward, and intravenous nurse specialist. The results of the study were as follows: 1) Chemotherapy was administered with a 23G scalp needle and 24G insyte. Injection site was dorsum of hands(64.7%), cephalic vein(19.3%). Successful rate for the first attempt was 88.6%. The first & second cycle chemotherapy was 29.5% each.. Mainly used drugs were Navelbine(34.1%), Adriamycin(20.5%). 2) Venous Problems after chemotherapy were pain(13.6%) incurred by venous, mainly due to the administration of Navelbine; redness at the inravenous site(12.5%) and itching sense 2.3% Non-venous problems were nausea (18.2%), dullness(14.8%), vomiting(8.0%), facial flushing(6.8%), anxiety(5.7%). Subjective discomforts after chemotherapy were generalized arm pain at the injection side(14.8%), dizziness(6.8%), weakness(5.7%) and general bodyache(5.7%). Systemic anaphylactic reaction and extravasation did not occur. 3) Non-venous problem after chemotherapy were nausea, vomiting & anorexia. Frequency of chemotherapy related to side effects were itching, facial flushing, and nausea(p< .05). Day of chemotherapy related to side effects were nausea & vomiting(p< .05). Site of chemotherapy related to side effects were redness(p< .05). Frequency of venipuncture related to side effects were redness(p< .05). Conclusively, cancer chemotherapy patients have had some venous problem. They need appropriate venous access devices for chemotherapy. And other non-venous problem will be managed appropriately. Further research was required to identify the rate of venous complication or side effects of vesicant chemotherapy.
Key words: Side effect of vesicant chemotherapeutic agents | Pain on the venous | Extravasation | intravenous push
주요어: 발포성 항암제 | 정맥주사
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