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Journal of Korean Academy of Fundamentals of Nursing 2000;7(3): 379
간호사의 안락사와 임종 간호에 대한 의미분석
김애경1, 박계선2
1단국대학교 의과대학 간호학과
2건양대학교 부속병원
The Study of Meaning in Euthanasia and Hospiece Nursing among Nurses
Ae-Kyung Kim1, Gye-Sun Park2
1Depart of nursing, Dankook University
2Hospital of Kun-Yang University
Euthanasia have received considerable attention recentely in medical literature, public discussion, and proposed state legislation. Almost all the discussion in this area has focused on the role of physicians. However, nurse may be in special position to understand the wishes of patients and to act on this understanding. Purpose of this study is to identity the meaning of euthanasia in terminal ill patients on the nurses' veiw. Forcused interveiw design was used to data collection The data were analyzed by semantic analysis, and analysis of the data resulted in identification of 14 categories representing the meaning of euthanasia. 1. The meaning of supported euthanasia is 'free of suffering', 'difficulty of economic status', 'right of patient and family', 'dignity of death', 'organ transplant', 'social legislation'. 2. The meaning of opposited euthanasia is 'artificial death', 'value of life', 'uncertainity', 'guilt feeling' 3. The meaning of care in terminalily ill patients is 'avoidance', 'powerlessness'. 'apathy'. 'passive attitude'. The policy debate about professional roles in action that end of lives of patients must be extended nurses. Nurses must take an active role in discussion and definition of acceptable practice at the end of life.
Key words: Euthanasia | Hospice care
주요어: 안락사 | 임종간호