1Dept. of Nursing, Medical College, Catholic University of Daegu 2Dept. of Nursing, Medical College, Catholic University of Daegu
This study was conducted using a descriptive correlational survey design to identify how patients with chronic low-back pain perceived family function and to examine the relationship between family function and depression. The participants of the study were 116 patients with chronic low-back pain patient who were having follow-up treatment in a local pain clinic, located in Daegu. A structured questionnaire was filled out participants themselves and the structured interview was given during January and February, 2000. The data collection instrument were FACE II-Korean version and Beck's Depression Inventory(1983). The data collected were analysed using mean, standard deviation(SD), t-test, F-test, Duncan test and Pearson correlation coefficient, done with SAS. The results are as follows; 1. The mean of the respondents' perceived family function was 3.47, with emotional bonding at 3.61, acceptability and sharing at 3.61, participation at 3.23, negotiation and satisfaction at 3.24 and responsibility and expectation at 3.76. 2. The mean of the respondents' perceived depression was $17.53{pm}8.76$. 3. There was significantly negative correlation between family function and depression(r=-0.4817, p=.0001). 4. Research variables included demographic characteristics and showed that subjects who were aged 65 years or older showed significantly lower scores in patient's perceived family function than those who were aged 45 years or below(p=.0502). Perceived family function of females respondents were significantly lower than males(p=.0026). The illiterate showed significantly lower scores than other groups(p=.0001). Respondents with spouse and extended family tended to show significantly higher scores than those who were living with spouse only or by themselves alone(p=.0091). Those who had higher income showed significantly higher scores than in the lower income group(p=.0001). 5. For family function regarding pain characteristics, those who reported severe pain-related daily activity impediments showed significantly lower scores in family function than others with less pain(p=.0357).