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Journal of Korean Academy of Fundamentals of Nursing 2000;7(1): 42
대처(coping)의 개념적 구조 -혈액투석환자를 대상으로-
장성옥1, 이숙자2, 김정숙3
1고려대학교 간호대학
2고려대학교 간호대학
3고려대학교 의료원 안암병원 인공신장실
The Conceptual Structure of Coping -Based on Patients receiving Hemodialysis -
Sung-Ok Chang1, Sook-Ja Lee2, Jung-Sook Kim3
1College of Nursing, Korea University
2College of Nursing, Korea University
3Korea University Hospital
This study was done to analyze and develop the concept of coping in patients receiving hemodialysis. The Hybrid Model of concept development was applied to develop a conceptual structure of coping in patients receiving hemodialysis, which included a field study carried out using an in-dept interview with 18 patients in the hemodialysis room of one general hospital in Seoul. Data-analysis was done in three phases as suggested by the Hybrid Model. Finally, by summarizing the results from each case, the attributes of coping, its dimensions, definition and structure were outlined. According to the results of the study, a conceptual structure of coping which centers around stressors, stress-appraisal, strategy of coping and new definitions of coping in patients receiving hemodialysis was suggested : The coping of patients receiving hemodialysis is a process that deals with physical, emotional, inter-personal, and role stress caused by hemodialysis due to renal failure. It has a series of phases which include a phase that appraises the stressful situation based on past experience of chronic disease management, one's remaining rears, the extent of family support, the extent of economic dependency, inter-personal support. education and uncertainty, and a phase of developing coping strategies that con be affected by social support and self esteem. As a result of coping, patients adapt or not to the life situation of receiving hemodialysis.
Key words: Coping | Hemodialysis
주요어: 대처 | 혈액투석