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Journal of Korean Academy of Fundamentals of Nursing 2000;7(1): 30
혈우병 환자의 질병 경험 연구
김원옥1, 고금자2, 강현숙3
1경희 간호 대학
2한라대학 간호과
3경희대학교 의대 간호과학부
A study on the lived experience of patients with hemophilia
Won-Ock Kim1, Keum-Ja Go2, Hyun-Sook Kang3
1Kyung Hee School of Nursing
2Cheju Halla College
3Department of Nursing, Kyung Hee University
This study was done to provide a firsthand description and analysis of phenomenological data of the singular, subjective and lived experience of patients with hemophilia. Sixe patients suffering from hemophilia were selected for this study. Data were collected from May to August, 1999 through in-depth interviews. The phenomenological method described by Colaizzi was used for the phenomenogical analysis of the data. After transcribing the recorded interview, the researchers read the data repeatedly to identify significant statements, restated them succinctly, and then formulated meanings, themes, theme clusters, and categories. The formulated meanings were grouped into six categories : fear, loneliness, frustration, sypmtoms of hemophilia, reception of support, and commitment. An exhaustive description of the experience of hemophilia can be deduced from this study. It is as follows: even though patients with hemophilia feel fear, loneliness and frustrations and suffer from symptoms of their disease such as bleeding, pain and functional disorders, they commit themselves to the maintenance of good health and enthusiastic life style with the help of support resources such as family members.
Key words: Hemophilia | Experience
주요어: 혈우병 | 경험