Journal of Korean Academy of Fundamentals of Nursing 1999;6(3): 434
척수손상자의 성재활 교육이 성생활 지식과 성생활 만족도에 미치는 영향
윤호순1, 박경민2, 박청자3
1대구보훈병원 간호사 2계명대학교간호대학 3계명대학교간호대학
The Effects of Sexual Rehabilitation Education on the Knowledge of Sexual Activities and Satisfaction of Sexual Activities of Spinal Cord Injury Clients
1Taegu Veterance Hospital 2College of Nursing Keimyung University 3College of Nursing Keimyung University
The purpose of this study is to identify the effects of sexual rehabilitation education on the knowledge of sexual activities and satisfaction of sexual activities of spinal cord injury clients by the method of Nonequivalent control group pretest-posttest group. The study period was between Jan. 6th and Apr 11th, 1999. The experimental group was 21 spinal cord injury clients from one general hospital, and the control group was 21 spinal cord injury clients from three University hospital. Sexual rehabilitation education was done with manuals and video-tapes. Education time was 90 minutes a week for 4 weeks. The study tool was 20 questionnaires about sexual knowledge, designed Song, Chung Sook(1990) and 10 questionnaires from Derogatis's Derogatis Sexual Function Inventory for satisfaction of sexual activities(1979) translated by Jang, Soon Boke(1989). Analysis of data was done by $x^2-test$, t-test, repeated measures ANOVA and simple main effect with SAS/PC. The results are as follows. The 1st. hypothesis. 'The group educated about the sexual rehabilitation has more sexual activities knowledge than those of the uneducated group.' is significant statistically(F=12.06, p=0.001). The 2nd hypotheses, 'The group educated about the sexual rehabilitation has more satisfaction of sexual activities than those of the uneducated group.' is significant statistically(F=5.04, p=0.030). According to the results, sexual rehabilitation education helps spinal cord injury clients to gain knowledge of sexual activities and satisfaction of sexual activities.