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Journal of Korean Academy of Fundamentals of Nursing 1998;5(2): 280
욕창발생위험요인과 영양상태가 중환자실 입원환자의 욕창발생에 미치는 영향 - 욕창발생위험집단을 중심으로 -
양영희1, 김원숙2
1단국대학교 의과대학 간호학과
2전 단국대학교 의료원 집중치료부
The Influence of the Risk Factors and Nutritional Status on the Development of Pressure Sores for the Risk Patients in ICU
Young-Hee Yang1, Won-Sook Kim2
1Dept. of Nursing, College of Medicine Dankook Univ.
2Ex-Head nurse, Dankook Univ. Hospital
Pressure sores are a serious concerns in that respect to increasing risk of medical complications and medical costs. Prevention and care of pressure sores is an essential area of nursing practice. The nurse at ICU should be more careful of maintaining the skin integrity of patients especially than at any other place. This study was conducted to determine if the risk facotrs of pressure sores and nutritional status of the patients at risk for pressure sores is related the occurance of pressure sore. The risk group refers the patients having the below 14 scores of the braden scale. The 100 subjects were recruited from the ICU ward at an university hospital in Choongnam. The parameters for nutritional status are the blood chemistry including plasma protein, albumin, hemoglobin and the anthropometric measurements consisting of weight, BMI, LBM, the proportion of body fat, body fluid and triceps skin fold using bioimpedence analizer and caliper. The results are as follows : 1. The subjects were 55 years and stayed 8 days on average. Of the 100 subjects, males were 61%, neurologic/neurosurgical diseases were 68% and the incidence of pressure sores was 17% mainly occuring within 3days after the admission. 2. The present paralysis(or paraplegia) and edema(arm, leg, trunk) were showed more significantly the subjects with pressure sores than those without pressure sores. 3. Regarding with the nutritional status, the subjects with pressure sores had significantly lower the weight, BMI, LBM, body fluid, albumin than the ones without pressure sores. This results were supported the reports of previous studies that the decreased weight and albumin could be the important predictors of pressure sores. Thereafter we should encourage these factors to be utilized in predicting pressure sores for a comprehensive assessment. Nurse should identify patients at risk of the development of pressure sores, assess their nutritional status and dietary intake at regular intervals.
Key words: Pressure sores | Nutritional status | Risk factors of pressures sores | ICU
주요어: 욕창 | 영양상태 | 욕창발생위험 | 중환자실 환자
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