The purpose of this study were to identify the characteristics of urinary incontinence in adult women and to identify it's relating factors, daily living and sexual problem related urinary incontinence. Subjects were 60 community dwelling women in the age of 25-60 years old at 1 cities in Korea. The data were collected from January 1988 to May. 1998. Subject were interviewed with structured questionnaire. Questionaire was composed of item of general characteristics, obstetrical characteristics, measuring tool of severity of urinary incontinence, discomfort due to urinary incontinence. The data were analyzed with SAS program, descriptive statistics, T-test, ANOVA test. The results of study were as followings. 1) Most of incontinence women were mildly incontinent subjects(mean=7.40). 2) The common activity related to the urinary incontinence were coughing, sneezing, laughing aloudly exercising. 63.5% of women reported small volume accidents of only 1 to 2 drops. 3) The incidence of urinary incontinence was significantly higher in woman who had more pariety and older age of last delivery, menopause, itching sense of vagina. 4) 73.3% of the episodic urinary incontinence were not treated because the felt that urinary incontinence was not disease(70.4%) was shamful(18.1%), was incurable inspite of treatement attempt(4.5%). 5) Daily living problem related to urinary incontinence were as follows : Voiding before going out(66.6%), odor of urine(10.0), frequent underwear change.(88.3%). 6) Sexual intercourse problem related to urinary incontinence were as follows : Pain during sexual intercourse(30.0%), sexual life trouble,(8.3%), urine leakage.(11.7%) The results indicate that urinary incontinence is common in adult women. Health care provider should develop and provide adequate nursing intervention for prevention and early treatment of urinary incontinence.