1Department of Nursing, College of Medicine, Kyung Hee Univesity 2Department of Nursing, Seoul Health College
The purpose of this study was to explore the subjective opinions related to the weight control by using Q-methodology. Forty four adults were selected for P-sample from July to August, 1998. The collected data were analyzed by PC Quanl program. The results were as follows : There were 5 types of the adult's opinions about the weight control. Type I(Concern about weight control) : This type believes that there is a problem with general social attitudes, but the weight control it self is necessary. Type II(Health conscious) : This type believes that good health is very important and weight control is way of maintaining and improving good health. Type III(Obsessive) : This type believes that weight control is absolutely necessary no matter what it takes including extreme dietary change. Type IV(Influence by social pressure) : This type believes that the external stimulation and help is needed to motivate weight control. Type V(Self control) : This type believes that self determination is necessary regardless of social pressure.