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Table of Contents | January, 2000  Vol. 7  No.3 Previous Issue | Next Issue | Archive


In this issue:

Original Articles
355 The Effect of Chest Physiotherapy on the Amount of Tracheal Secretion and $PaO_2$
Seong-Sook Jun, Mi-Jin Moon
J Korean Acad Fundam Nurs. 2000;7(3):355
366 The Development of Exercise Therapy Protocol Applied to an Efficacy Expectation Promoting Program in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Patients
Ae-Ran Hwang, Chun-Ja Kim
J Korean Acad Fundam Nurs. 2000;7(3):366
379 The Study of Meaning in Euthanasia and Hospiece Nursing among Nurses
Ae-Kyung Kim, Gye-Sun Park
J Korean Acad Fundam Nurs. 2000;7(3):379
391 The Effects of the Band Type Foot Drop Device
Hyun-Sook Kang, Won-Ock Kim, Hya-Sook Lee
J Korean Acad Fundam Nurs. 2000;7(3):391
401 A Survey on Perceived Health Status and Health Promoting Lifestyle Patterns between Korean Elderly and Korean-American Elderly
Kyeong-Yae Sohng, So-Young Lee
J Korean Acad Fundam Nurs. 2000;7(3):401
415 Survey on the Side Effects of the Vesicant Chemotherapy
Eun-Sook Choi, Keum-Soon Kim, Myung-Soon Joo, Bok-Ja Kim
J Korean Acad Fundam Nurs. 2000;7(3):415
429 Validation of Nursing-Sensitive Patient Outcomes: Focused on Self Care Outcomes
Young-Hee Yom, Kyu-Eun Lee
J Korean Acad Fundam Nurs. 2000;7(3):429
441 A Study of Health Promotion Behavior and Health Status based on Adult's Constitution
Sook-Young Kim
J Korean Acad Fundam Nurs. 2000;7(3):441
453 A Study on the Relationship of Self Care Behavioral Compliance and Perceived Self-Efficacy in Type II Diabetic Patient
Jae-Hee Yoo
J Korean Acad Fundam Nurs. 2000;7(3):453
466 The Effect of Music Therapy on Anxiety of Cesarean Section Wemen
Young-Sook Kwun, Tae-Hee Kim
J Korean Acad Fundam Nurs. 2000;7(3):466
479 Study on the Personality and Eating Behavior
Young-Soon Byun, Eun-Joo Chung
J Korean Acad Fundam Nurs. 2000;7(3):479
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