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Influence of Digital Literacy and Patient Activation on Sick Role Behavior in Vulnerable Older Adults with Diabetes
Young-Eun Yi, Hyun-Ju Lee
J Korean Acad Fundam Nurs. 2024;31(2):179-190.   Published online May 31, 2024
doi: https://doi.org/10.7739/jkafn.2024.31.2.179
                     Cited By 1
Factors Influencing the Dietary Behavior of Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus: A Cross-sectional Study | English
Sohyun Jin, Youngshin Song
J Korean Acad Fundam Nurs. 2024;31(1):80-89.   Published online February 29, 2024
doi: https://doi.org/10.7739/jkafn.2024.31.1.80
Factors Influencing the Subjective Health Status of Men with Insulin-treated Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus: A Secondary Analysis Using Quantile Regression Analysis | English
Kang Sun Lee, Hyuk Joon Kim, Young Man Kim, Hye Young Kim
J Korean Acad Fundam Nurs. 2023;30(4):530-540.   Published online November 30, 2023
doi: https://doi.org/10.7739/jkafn.2023.30.4.530
Effects of Virtual Reality Program on Glycated Hemoglobin, Static and Dynamic Balancing Ability, and Falls Efficacy for Diabetic Patients: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis | English
Yi-Rang Yim, Myung-Haeng Hur
J Korean Acad Fundam Nurs. 2023;30(2):155-167.   Published online May 31, 2023
doi: https://doi.org/10.7739/jkafn.2022.30.2.155
The Association between the Low-density Lipoprotein-Cholesterol to High-density Lipoprotein-Cholesterol Ratio and the Incidence of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus in Korean Adults: A Secondary Data Analysis Using a Community-based Cohort Study in Korea
Bo-Kyoung Cha
J Korean Acad Fundam Nurs. 2023;30(1):66-77.   Published online February 28, 2023
doi: https://doi.org/10.7739/jkafn.2023.30.1.66
Mediating Effect of Acceptance Action in relationship between Diabetes Self-Stigma and Quality of Life in People with Diabetes in Korea
Kawoun Seo
J Korean Acad Fundam Nurs. 2021;28(3):384-394.   Published online August 31, 2021
doi: https://doi.org/10.7739/jkafn.2021.28.3.384
                     Cited By 6
A Study on Sexual Function, Sexual Stress, and Quality of Life in Middle Aged Women Patients with Diabetes Mellitus
Sunyoung Ahn, Hyojung Park
J Korean Acad Fundam Nurs. 2016;23(4):393-401.   Published online November 30, 2016
doi: https://doi.org/10.7739/jkafn.2016.23.4.393
                     Cited By 4
Factors Influencing the Level of Diabetic Retinopathy in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus*
Eun Ae Chang, Yun Hee Shin
J Korean Acad Fundam Nurs. 2016;23(3):300-309.   Published online August 30, 2016
doi: https://doi.org/10.7739/jkafn.2016.23.3.300
Comparative Study on Self-care Behavior Related Factors for Good, Inadequate and Poor Glycemic Control Groups: Based on Variables from Theory of Planned Behavior, Habit, and Family support*
Jae-Kyoung Kim, Mee Ock Gu
J Korean Acad Fundam Nurs. 2016;23(3):245-255.   Published online August 30, 2016
doi: https://doi.org/10.7739/jkafn.2016.23.3.245
                     Cited By 1
Factors Associated with Hemoglobin A1c among Patient Aged 40 years over with Diabetes Mellitus: 2012 Korea Health and Nutrition Examination Survey
Eun Joo Ji
J Korean Acad Fundam Nurs. 2015;22(4):433-441.   Published online November 30, 2015
doi: https://doi.org/10.7739/jkafn.2015.22.4.433
                     Cited By 5
Relationships between Diabetic Knowledge, Self-Care Behaviors and HbA1c in Diabetic Patients using public hospitals
Juan Lee, Hyojung Park
J Korean Acad Fundam Nurs. 2014;21(3):243
Effects of 12 Weeks Tai Chi Exercise and Education Intervention Program on Glucose Control, Sexual Function and Immune Function for Women with Type 2 Diabetes
Hyoung Sook Park, Kyoungnam Kim
J Korean Acad Fundam Nurs. 2013;20(4):389
Factors Influencing Self-Care Behaviors Related to Insulin Therapy in Elders with Diabetes Mellitus
Na-Yeong Sohn, Jin-Hyang Yang
J Korean Acad Fundam Nurs. 2013;20(1):27
A Predictive Model for Factors Influencing Sexual Satisfaction of Women with Diabetes Mellitus
Kyoungnam Kim, Hyoung Sook Park
J Korean Acad Fundam Nurs. 2013;20(1):6
Comparative Study on HbA1C, Self-care Behavior, and Quality of Life by Depression Status in Type II Diabetic Patients
Young-Min Jeong, Mi-Young Kim
J Korean Acad Fundam Nurs. 2012;19(3):353
Comparative Study on Self-Care Behavior, Diabetes-related Stress, and Stress Coping among Good, Inadequate, and Poor Glycemic Control Groups
Hye-Yeon Kang, Mee-Ock Gu
J Korean Acad Fundam Nurs. 2012;19(2):168
Development of a Comprehensive Self-Management Program Promoting Self Efficacy for Type 2 Diabetic Patients
Ju-Young Park, Il-Sun Ko
J Korean Acad Fundam Nurs. 2012;19(1):74
Diabetes-related Characteristics in Men with Diabetes for the Glucose Control Group and Noncontrol Group
Kyung-Hee Kim, Ji-Su Kim, Eun-Kyung Lee
J Korean Acad Fundam Nurs. 2011;18(2):152
Self-care, Family Support and Depression in Elderly Patients with Diabetes Mellitus
Kee-Sun Park, Jung-Soon Moon, Sun-Nam Park
J Korean Acad Fundam Nurs. 2009;16(3):345
Predictors of Vascular Complications among Patients with Type 2 Diabetes
Jung-Mi Ha, Hae-Jung Lee, Dong-Hee Kim, Yong-Suk Kim, Wha-Za Lee
J Korean Acad Fundam Nurs. 2009;16(2):144
Effects of a Cognitive Behavioral Stress Management Program on Perceived Stress, Coping Strategies, and Stress Response in People with Diabetes Mellitus Type 2
Hyoung-Sook Park, Kyung-Yeon Park
J Korean Acad Fundam Nurs. 2008;15(3):291
The Study Related to Perceived Stress, Stress Coping Method, Self-Care Behavior and Hemoglobin $A_1c$ of Elderly Diabetic Mellitus Patients
Mi-Yon Park, Kyung-Hee Kim
J Korean Acad Fundam Nurs. 2008;15(2):186
The Relationship between Depression, Self-Care Activity and $HbA_1c$ in Clients with Type-2 Diabetes Mellitus
Sun-Hyang Kim, Hee-Sun Kang
J Korean Acad Fundam Nurs. 2008;15(2):178
Difference in Knowledge and Learning Needs of the Coronary Artery Disease according to the General Characteristics of the Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
Min-Sun Song, Hee-Seung Kim
J Korean Acad Fundam Nurs. 2007;14(3):323
Depression and Self Care Behavior in Patients with Diabetes Mellitus
Sun-Ha Jung, Jung-Soon Moon
J Korean Acad Fundam Nurs. 2005;12(1):58
A Survey of Knowledge of Diabetes in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes
Hee-Seung Kim
J Korean Acad Fundam Nurs. 2004;11(1):67
An Analysis of Nursing Research on Diabetes Published in Korea from 1981 to 2000
Yong-Hae Hong, Myung-Ae Kim
J Korean Acad Fundam Nurs. 2001;8(3):416
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