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Journal of Korean Academy of Fundamentals of Nursing 2009;16(1): 30
골관절염을 가진 여성의 균형감, 유연성, 심폐기능 및 근력에 대한 타이치 운동과 자조관리 프로그램의 효과비교
송라윤1, 이은옥2, 3, 배상철4
1충남대학교 간호학과
2서울대학교 간호대학
3University of New South Wales, 가정의학과
4한양대학교 의과대학
Effects of Tai Chi or Self-help Program on Balance, Flexibility, Oxygen Consumption, and Muscle Strength in Women with Osteoarthritis
Rha-Yun Song1, Eun-Ok Lee2, Paul Lam3, Sang-Cheol Bae4
1Chungnam National University
2Seoul National University
3Family Physician, Tai Chi Instructor and Conjoint Lecturer, University of New South Wales
4The Hospital for Rheumatic Diseases, Hanyang University College of Medicine
Purpose: This randomized study was done to compare the effects of a 6 month Tai Chi exercise and a self-help program on balance, flexibility and muscle strength in women with osteoarthritis (OA).
Method: In this experimental study, 82 women with OA recruited from outpatient clinics or community health centers were randomly assigned either to a Tai Chi group or a self-help group. Thirty women (mean age = 62 years) in the Tai Chi group and 39 (mean age = 59 years) in the self-help group completed posttest measures (balance, flexibility, oxygen consumption, abdominal muscle strength, back muscle strength, and grip strength) at 6 months.
Results: After the 6 month, Tai Chi participants had significantly greater balance (mean difference = 2.9 vs. 0.9 for the self-help), grip strength (mean difference = 4.6 vs. 0.9 for the self-help), and back muscle strength (mean difference = 4.1 vs. -0.3 for the self-help). However, flexibility, oxygen consumption, and abdominal muscle strength were not significantly different between the groups.
Conclusion: Tai Chi increased balance, grip strength and back muscle strength in older women with osteoarthritis compared to the self-help program. Whether these changes improve physical functioning and fall prevention requires further study.
Key words: Osteoarthritis | Tai Chi | Muscle strength | Postural balance | Oxygen consumption
주요어: 골관절염 | 타이치 | 균형감 | 근력 | 심폐기능