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Journal of Korean Academy of Fundamentals of Nursing 2012;19(2): 233
대학생의 웰다잉에 관한 인식과 태도 - Q 방법론적 접근 -
부산가톨릭대학교 간호학과
A Study on the Cognition and Attitude on Well-Dying in Undergraduate Students -Q methodological approach-
Hyung-Wha Shim
Department of Nursing, Pusan-Catholic University
Purpose: The purpose of this study was to investigate the subjectivity of undergraduate students about well-dying.
Method: Q-methodology, which is effective in scientifically measuring individual subjectivity, was used. The result of the Q-short of the 34 Q-statements by 42 participants was analyzed using the PQM program. Result: Four cognitive types of subjectivity about well-dying were identified and labeled as follows. Type 1: oriental and family-centered type, Type 2: Individual and fate-adapted type, Type 3: altruistic and afterlife-centered type, Type 4: self-leading and secularistic type.
Conclusions: Undergraduate students have a well-dying concept which tends to be self-centered and secularistic. At the same times, they also have a well-dying concept which has a basically oriental view, that is, family-centered and fate-adapted views.
Key words: Undergraduate | Cognition | Attitude
주요어: 대학생 | 인식 | 태도